Thursday, July 23, 2009

How do you hot comb hair???

how do you hot comb thick hair???

can i please get the steps

How do you hot comb hair???

Hot Combs Curling Irons and Flat Irons

Hot combs and flat irons are easy to use, and you have more control than a blowdryer as far as keeping the tool off the roots of the hair. One thing to remember though, is to keep the heat as low as possible. Try it at the lowest setting first, and only increase if needed.

Just take a small section of hair, and pass the flat iron or hot comb through it. Do not let the tool set on any part of the hair for more than 3 seconds, or you're flirting with damage.

With children's hair, the blow-out is better than hot combing or using a flat iron. Kids' hair is too fragile to take much heat over time, and it may lead to more breakage than is necessary

The comb is plugged in to make it generate heat. After it gets warm you just pick it up and use it. Also, this comb can be heated over a fire or a stove burner. Once hot, remove the comb, shake it, and run it through coarse hair

How do you hot comb hair???

what the heck is hot comb hair?!!!?!?!

How do you hot comb hair???

Shave all your hair off and you won't have to worry about it.

How do you hot comb hair???

You heat up the comb on the stove(don't over heat!).Grease and part you the comb through the roots of your hair part by part.The thicker the hair ,the longer it takes.If it's an electric hot comb,you can control the setting and how straight your hair gets....These are shotty instructions..but I wouldn't recommend someone doing this to their hair anyway.

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