Wednesday, July 29, 2009

HELP!! why does my hair come out?

well im a teenage girl and when i would take a shower, my hair would usually come out!! and now it happens when i brush or comb my hair!!!! so what causes a teenage girls hair to fall out??????

HELP!! why does my hair come out?

Actually everyone's hair falls out, not just teenage girls. It can be normal or caused by other things such as stress.

Girls tend to notice it more than guys simply because our hair is longer and we notice when a piece of hair is on us or in our brush or whatever. Its like a dog, we shed.

So, my guess its just normal, but incase you think otherwise, heres a link that might help.

HELP!! why does my hair come out?

Okay.. i read in a book that teenage girls usually loose any where between 200 to 350 hairs a day. its just a way so new younger hairs can grow in.

Hope I Helped.

HELP!! why does my hair come out?

well, everyone loses hair when they brush or wash. Totally normal. But if you're starting to thin out significantly or get bald spots, I would see a Dr. You might have something called Alopecia. Stress also causes hair loss ....

HELP!! why does my hair come out?

Dont you worry.This is totally normal. It may seem scary to you but its just making room for new hairs to grow in because when you are this young they grow like no tommorow. So let the hair grow and come out as it pleases.

Dont worry you have my word...

HELP!! why does my hair come out?

It's totally normal to lose up to 250 hairs every single day, and when your hair gets longer that can look like a hell of a lot in your brush. Especially if you have had your hair up all day, then they'll all come loose when you let it down again.

If you actually notice that your hair is getting thinner at the scalp, or notice a loss in the thickness of your ponytail then you should probably see a doctor. It may just be a vitamin deficiency, or it could be something more serious.

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