Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

im about 14 years old and im losing some hair!! like when i comb my hair some of my hair falls out....and sometimes when im sleeping i find traces of hair when i wake up.............i just wanted to know if its normal....................if not then can i have some advices how to reduce it??????

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

People lose about 100 strands of hair a day, but these are replaced with new strands, so don't worry about it--happens to everyone.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

If you are concerned that your hair loss is abnormal, go see a doctor.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

No, its either vitamin deficiency or genetical. Vitamin-E tables would help reduce hair loss.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

at your age its not normal to loose so mauch hair better see a doctor.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

Yes, yes, it is very, very, very, normal- like you see bald 14 year olds, or 14 year olds with comb overs all the time, on tv, in ads, etc.

And Andrew thank you so, so, so much for that ephiphany- see a doctor, wow, that is just remarkable, original, unique, and unprecedented advice!

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

While I've heard of people going bald in their 20s, I haven't heard of anyone experiencing loss at such an early age as yours. You may want to see a dermatologist about your condition. If there's nothing that can be done for you, keep in mind that the clean shaven head look is in.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

We all normally lose about 100 hairs per day, regardless of our age. I'm not suggesting that you count how many fall out, just reassuring you that daily hair loss is normal. All of the follicles on the head are in different stages of growing hair, stasis, and having loose ones fall out.

If you are convinced that you are losing much more than that 100 or so per day you may want to get checked for any condition that could impair your blood circulation, such as diabetes.

You could also just be an unfortunate guy who starts going bald in high school (I'm assumer you are a guy??). It's pretty rare, but not unknown, for male pattern baldness to happen that early. My brother started losing his at 17...

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

You can stop hair loss using many cheap and effective home remedies.Egg white, lemon juice, oil massage are other home remedies at http://www.wellnesstalk.org/hairfall.htm... will prevent further problems.

Is it normal to lose your hair at an early age?

Losing more than 100 hairs a day could be an indication that something is physically wrong.

If you are beginning to get patches of baldness it could be an beginning of alopecia.See your family doctor and a visit to a dermatologist would be in order.

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