My daughter has head lice, she is only 5 and has her hair combed every day, but still they come back, I guess from some other source at school. At school they say she should wear her hair tied back so it makes it more difficult for the lice to infect someone else,
doe is make a difference if your hair is tied back or loose to prevent infection to others??????
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
tied back preferby in a bun or plaits so the hair is tightly put up so it is harder for head lice to escape. and when the hair is tied back as well it is harder to get head lice, my elder sister never got headlice as a child because she always had her hair tied up. hope i have helped.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
The way you wear your hair does not make a difference and should not be letting kids be at school if they are infected but keeping her hair tied back after she is done being treated will help keep her from getting it and do the following as well also put olive oil or hair oil in her hair small amount every day on the scalp after you treat her the bugs and eggs cannot attach to the hair or scalp to feed there for they wont stay try it you'll see it really works also treat everyone in your home with lice shampoo wash all your bed linens and use lice spray all over your furniture and bag all stuffed toys and pillows and use spray in the bags set away for 10 days also spray you carpets and rugs wash and bag too
The school nurse should check everyone and send those home who have it to be treated and inform them the way to treat and prevent it as well as once they have been treated be retreated in 5 days then school nurse to recheck the children after 5days untill they get a handle on it
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
tied back helps just that lil bit more. Get a head lice repellent spray, its a leave in one, that helps also :)
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
yes it will help contain it better but if the school is aware of this i am surprised they let her back in school if she still has it. i went through this once when my daughter was seven i washed her hair about five different times and sat her on a chair with newspaper on the floor around her i also had to do all the bedding in a hot dryer this kills them .and every ware she sat with a solution i made up in a spray bottle from what i put in her hair, than when i found they kept coming back i had to cut her hair and washed it one more time when i did that she had no more problems. i wish you the best of luck.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
oh I have this all to come, I would say tied back too, but have learnt from here what I need to do when it happens here.
Hope they go soon.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
for my daughter no it never made a difference they seem to like her anyway,so instead ive had cut into a bob so when she does get them its easier to treat
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
Tied back stops others catching them, but leaving it loose does less damage to ur hair and scalp. There is a battery opperted device u can buy that u comb through the hair and it zaps the lice and the eggs. Try boots and othe chemists for it. hope this helps!
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
yes because if you learning forward it falls in front of your face and can touch the person next to you which the lice can crawl from her hair to theirs giving them lice. it will also help prevent her catching them again
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
Having your hair tied back will reduce the risk of the lice moving from head to head....But the other children must do the same...Its a very common problem at school..Just keep using the medication...Good luck...
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
Most school systems won't even let a child attend who has active head lice. It just risks infecting the whole school. You need to go to the drug store and get a head lice medication, treat her hair with it, then clean everything in your home, bedding and pillows, blankets, close up her stuffed toys in trash bags for a couple weeks. If you clean her well and comb her hair to make sure the nits are gone then she shouldnt keep getting the lice. If she does get them again after you have cleaned your home and treated her hair, then I would do some more research to find out where she is getting it from
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
No I don't think so. My daughter got them at age 5 and she wore her hair in a pony tail. The school should trace the source and make them stay at home until cleared. I had to keep my daughter off school until they were clear. It will only continue until they suspend children until clear.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
tied back helps also try a nittygritty.
its expensive but it works, we were nit free in 3 days
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
It does help a bit to have the hair braided or tied to lie in the rear of the head. Small children tend to sit with their heads quite close together- closely enough for hair to intermingle and the head lice simply walk across the bridge. Don't be too upset about the lice, with small children in school, it's almost an inevitability at least once. They actually prefer nice clean heads of hair. You will have the best luck at getting rid of them by using one of the commercial kits, in fact you will want two kits. Use one, and then repeat it again in two days. That will get rid of any nits or eggs you miss in the first go round, but before they can lay new eggs. Gather up all the brushes, combs, pillow and case, hats,and hair do-dahs, and treat them in a bath with the diluted lice shampoo as well. Anything that can't take the bath can be microwaved a minute or so, or frozen for a couple days. Check the nape of the neck and behind the ears for the stragglers and the eggs. Don't bother with the pets- human head lice are specific to humans, animals to animals. If it's a major problem at the school, they should have the nurse do head checks and send those home who have lice until they are treated. If even one child goes untreated, you can look forward to a revisit. But yes, to be safest, keep her hair up close to her head, the closer the better. Anything that can swing away from her head and body is a potential bridge for walking.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
Children get it from other children. You have to go to doctor and get prescribed anti-lice lotions. In India, any chemist will give but in other countries one needs doctor's prescription. Simply by combing, it will not go. They give eggs deep inside the skin. So U have to use lotion for eradication of this problem. There is no permanent solution for this except care.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
Ick, head lice. I had such a hard time with it growing up and now my 11 year old is going thru the same thing I did.
In my opinion and experience, it doesn't much matter if the hair is tied back or not. Lice jump. I don't care what the papers say that comes with your medicine. I've seen it several times and have gotten it that way several times.
The best way to get rid of them is to use whatever medicine you would like, as there are plenty out there. Lice Ice is all natural, then there's the over the counter stuff you can buy at wal-mart or your grocery store, then there's also the prescription stuff too. Then on to the home remedies. Try it all if you'd like, see what works best for you and your family.
BUT...After the medication (whichever you use), you must comb out the hair. Not with the little plastic piece of crap that comes with most. Invest in a metal lice comb. They last much longer and get much more out the first time. Comb out her hair every other day until they are all gone (usually takes 10-12 days). Then, just for good measure, comb it out once a week or two. Also, when you use the comb, don't just run it through the hair. You have to separate the hair into small pieces and get the comb as close to the scalp as you can.
No matter how much medicine you use, if you don't comb them all out, they will keep coming back. It's a royal pain to do this so much (for the both of you), but will take care of it.
Good luck!
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
I found it interesting to read your question and the answers. One of the best treatments for headlice is actually plain old conditioner. Cover your daughters dry hair in it and then use a headlice comb. The recommedned combs are metal with ROUND teeth.
My daughter is always coming homing with headlice from school and yet no-one else in our family ever seems to get it.
I would be approaching the school - many places will not even let you attend if they can see eggs in your childs hair - i once had to clipper cut my daughters hair. Get the school to do more about it. It is not fair that some parents take responsibility and treat their children and others don't and so your child keeps being re-infected.
I know everyone else here has said you have to do beds,etc - but i was of the understanding that the lice could not live off of the scalp for any period of time.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
In order to infect new people, the head lice actually swing from strands of hair to strands of hair. This means that if your daughters hair is tied back, there is a decreased chance of her hair being swung into another child's hair or for her to get lice.
When I was a child, my mother used to gel our hair in buns to help prevent head lice and I didn't get them until grade 6 - when I fashionably wore my hair out.
Hope this helps
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
Lice are tiny insects that live on humans and feed on blood. When a large number of lice live and multiply on a person, it is called an infestation.
Three different kinds of lice live on humans:
Head lice are usually found in hair, most often on the back of the neck and behind the ears. Head lice are common in preschool and elementary school-age children. Adults can get them too, especially adults who live with children.
Head lice may not cause any symptoms at first. Itching on the scalp may start weeks or even months after lice have started to spread. Scratching can make the skin raw. The raw skin may ooze clear fluid or crust over, and it may get infected.
The most common treatment is an over-the-counter or prescription cream, lotion, or shampoo. You put it on the skin or scalp to kill the lice and eggs. In some cases, you may need treatment a second time to make sure that all the eggs are dead. If two or more treatments don't work, your doctor may prescribe a pill called ivermectin.
It閳ユ獨 also important to wash clothing and bedding in hot water to help get rid of lice.
Some people have an allergic reaction to lice bites that causes itching for 7 to 10 days after the lice and eggs have been killed. Steroid creams or calamine lotion can relieve the itching. If you have severe itching, you can try antihistamine pills.
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
ugh,, my heart goes out to you.. yes, keep hair tied, braided, kids are kids, but my guess is you never got rid of them,,,, it has nothing to do with dirt..THEY LOVE CLEAN HEADS, and if you dont get every little nit , louse, lice, the whole cycle starts all over again with-in a week...please dont use the nix or rid, its toxic , and these pesty little critters that want to live off you dont die like they use too, from that must get a big thing of hair conditoner, a lice/nit wire comb s a cheap packet of fine tooth black combes 2 buckets a big thing of white vinager and for my own sanity a box of disposable gloves..... first off, until your free of all, you must was bedding, clothing towels daily,and after each and every use, the eggs get in clothes, and will live up to 35hours with -out a human.. get your vacume ( it will become your best friend. ) strip the bed while she is at school, vacume the heck out of the mattress, all bedding/clothing must be washed in hot, then in dryer at least 20mins, on high..(these little critters are so sneaky , that they can hold their breath in water up to 20 min, no kidding.... all shoes left at entry, car, car belts rug, inside car top any and all seats, head rests must get same vacuming ( now i have gotten the spray) rid nix spray for this part, i will spray a bit into the vacume and on the nozzle.(thats me) you must empty vacume outside and wash out after each use.. omg, its an endless , draining task, but if your in an area that gets cold for winter, there is hope.. they hate cold.. and they do die with temps reaching freezing, all brushes pitch , when going thru daughters hair the conditoner with olive oil will be your best friend, it makes them appear bigger, and the comb thru, thats where bucket 1 comes in,, boil hot water fill half bucket then dump 3 or 4 cups of vinager in it, this is where you drop the comb after every swipe thru, never swipe w/same comb 2x (thats why you have many combs) section by section, and check eye-brow eyelash too.. behind ears and nap of neck, they love to hang (its dark) stick a video in for her , also we put swim suits on and jumped in the shower, just so it could go right down the drain with each swipe... ugh, they feed 3 to 4 x daily, thats when you will see her scratching, benydral helps, but check with your peditrician, it can make you feel insane, trust me, it gets better, people dont talk about it, it still has a "stigma" of filth.. its not, they like clean... as pesty as they are, they dont cause any health issue at all (just our sanity) :o) if you need to talk email me anytime,, peace to you and yours..:o)oh and suffacate, like pillows stuffed animals toss in garbage bag knot tie and put in garage for a week or so then vacume... and beware, many parents dont do a flippen thing , its a disgrace, but true... if you have the same blood type as child, you may get them too, my daughter and i have a+ we got them, nobody else in the house, grr, like i said, pesty buggersss
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
There are many answers to head lice. Most of which I already see here.
There is a final solution to school infestations. We have to use it on our grandchildren because ONE sloppy mother does not bother and our grandchildren come home with new passengers every afternoon!............ and it is not wise to use daily applications of the pesticidal preparations!
Alcohol BP (available from any chemist).
Soak a small sponge, or cotton ball with the alcohol. Using a nit comb, comb the hair and apply the alcohol-soaked sponge at the same time. The pure alcohol dehydrates the extremities of the wee beasty, causing it to fall into the comb. (They often jump away, otherwise..... cos they DO jump! despite assurances they do not!....... only a couple of mm, but they do!)
If the little monster has laid eggs, the nit comb will not remove them alone. However, the alcohol dissolves the nit's superglue and the eggs will fall off after a couple of applications. That is not a problem, because the alcohol will kill the thing within a few seconds anyway.
No Alcohol BP?........ use Dad's Vodka, of granny's gin!....... not so effective, but it does the job!
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
buy sum cream and rub it and comb it on the hair all over her body wash her sheets and anything else she has came across
Head lice, hair tied back or left loose?
Hair tied back will, of course, contribute to preventing the infestation to others. Maybe, if it is long; plait it or tie it in a bun so that it doesn't fling about. Combing alone will not, of course, get rid of the nits as it is not 100 percent effective. Using a head louse treatment with natural extracts and tea tree everyday shampoo and conditioner should get rid of them for a long time. They hate tea tree! Best of luck, Princess Lola x
Also, the whole "they love clean hair" thing is very untrue! It has been identified that they like both greasy and squeaky clean hair.
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