My daughter has very long, very thick curly hair %26amp; has had headlice. Now getting rid of the lice isn't the problem. it's getting rid of all the eggs. It would take literally hours to pick them off by hand %26amp; I find combing her hair with a lice comb not really sufficient enough. Does anyone have any ideas?
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
There are a lot of tips on this site:
I had really thick and long hair as a kid, and got head lice once. My mom was getting so frustrated trying to get them all that she used KEROSENE on my hair because it was an old wives tale someone told her. Please don't try that!
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
olive oil over night
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
use sesame oil on ur daughter hair,the lice will came our.
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
Use a vinegar rinse. It will help loosen the eggs. Still have to use the comb though. My kids brought headlice home twice during their school years. Talk about a lot of work,lol.
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
Head lice treatments such as Rid or Nix will indeed kill the lice. A lice comb works, but if you get a fine tooth comb (which is larger) and don't mind spending some time, it will help. I recommend getting a bottle of mineral oil and taking a few cap-fulls to the scalp and hair. This will soften the hair and make the comb easier to get through. Take some time and run the comb throughly through the hair using more of the Nix solution. Doing this once or twice and rinsing very well, should do the trick.
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
i have hair past my butt and i had lice in 6th grade. i did a three step process. i took a shower.... put lice shampoo on my hair. left it in for 5- 10 min.... rinsed it out. then put a special type of gel on that made the eggs less sticky to my hair, my mom brucshed it out i took another shower and they were all gone!
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
Your pretty much doing all you can.I have the same problem with my daughter and I sit there for ages just picking them out with my nails. I also cover her hair with cheap conditioner and leave it on until it dries so it suffocates the nits. The nit combs are to wide to do any good.
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
I know what you mean, my hair is extremely thick, they hate Clean hair, so washing it a couple times in a row might work, and washing with vinegar water did the trick for me, oh and Blow drying on high kills the eggs so they come out easier, hopefully those three work
How can I get rid of headlice eggs from my daughters hair?
try washing her hair with a vinegar rinse a few times then comb w/ the lice comb and rinse comb and rinse
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